*Performance disclosed is based on the Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per Share. NAV Per Share is equal to Shareholder’s Equity per Share as calculated under IFRS. During the period May 2021 to April 2022 the Company disclosed “Reporting NAV per share”. “Reporting NAV per share” was a non-IFRS measure that the Company used as a key indicator to evaluate the performance and condition of our business. It represented the Company’s NAV per share including the proportionate share of the NAV of Pender Private Investments Inc. (“PPI”). Reporting NAV per share represented the Company’s NAV per share to which certain non-IFRS valuation adjustments were added, such as the full value of the day one gain on acquisition of PPI. Where Reporting NAV per share was presented, the Company’s disclosures were in accordance with CSA Staff Notice 52-306 (Revised). |