
Performance (%) - January 31, 20251 Mo.3 Mo.6 Mo.1 Yr.2 Yr.3 Yr.5 Yr.10 Yr.15 Yr.YTDSince Inception2
Reporting NAV per share¹0.59.619.880.936.7-4.630.834.90.57.6
Annual Performance (%)20172018201920202021202220232024YTDInception Date
Reporting NAV per share¹3.4-7.612.630.0305.4-

Standard Performance Data is subject to important disclosures set out in our Disclaimer.

1“Reporting NAV per share” is a non-IFRS measure that the Company uses as a key indicator to evaluate the performance and condition of our business. It represents PTF’s Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per share including the proportionate share of the NAV of Pender Private Investments Inc. (“PPI”).Reporting NAV – The calculation of Reporting NAV uses two financial measures that are individually recognized under IFRS, assets and liabilities, and adjusts them to include PTF’s proportionate ownership share of PPI’s NAV. PTF acquired its share of PPI’s portfolio at a discount of 43.5% to fair value. Under IFRS, the gain on this acquisition at a discount, is treated as a deferred gain and total shareholders’ equity per share for financial reporting purposes excludes this deferred gain and the deferred gain will be recognized to the extent that it arises from a change in a factor (including time) that market participants would take into account when pricing the investment. We believe that Reporting NAV, which reflects the full value of the day one gain on acquisition of PPI, is a useful indicator of the value and condition of our business. Reporting NAV is a non-IFRS financial measure and does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other reporting issuers. Please refer to the Company’s AIF for more information.

2Since inception date for Pender Growth Fund Class C is July 2010. Performance is calculated based on the Class C Share Net Asset Value of the Pender Growth Fund. This does not reflect the price at which the shares trade on the market.